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What to Wear on Safari Tanzania


Deciding What to Wear on Safari Tanzania is easier said than done. However, bringing the right clothing, choosing what colors to wear on safari in Tanzania, What shoes to wear on safari in Tanzania, and personal items on your Tanzania safari not only keep you safe and comfortable but also increase your pleasure in the many adventurous activities available during your safari. It is indeed a serious affair in Africa. Here are the Important Considerations on What to Wear on Tanzania Safari

Look for comfort and ease

People of all genders can look stylish on a safari, and yet stay comfortable. On what to Wear on Safari Tanzania, we wholeheartedly recommend picking breathable clothes, in neutral colors and that can adapt to the changing temperatures throughout the day.

Driving around the bush all day in an open car, you are bound to get covered in dust. T-shirts, pants, and whatever else you may be wearing will get dirty and dusty. So, it’s important to bring items that can be easily hand washed and that are quickly dry. Cotton is by far the best material, as well as a technical one that dries in no time.

Layers are key

There is a common misconception that all of Africa is warm, if not even hot, throughout the day and night, and year-round. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Game drives are usually timed to follow the lifestyle of animals. This means that the typical safari will have two game drives per day: one starting soon after sunrise before the animals find a hiding spot from the afternoon heat; and one in the late afternoon with some private game reserves allowing drives to linger on a bit after dark. Thus, wearing layers is essential.

A good packing list for Africa will include plenty of cotton shirts to wear during the day, a few sweaters and a light jacket to wear in the early morning hours and in the evenings. We also recommend bringing a scarf, a hat, and gloves.

What colors to wear on safari in Tanzania?

When on a game drive, you are expected to blend in with the bush as much as possible. Wear neutral colors, such as khaki, beige, taupe, or grey. Black and dark blue are thought to attract the African tse tse flies, whereas predators identify red with wounded animals. With the amount of dust in the bush, white is hardly recommended as it gets dirty very easily.

Pack a wide-brimmed hat

You will be out in the sun for long hours of the day and a good wide-brimmed hat is essential. Hats are a fantastic way to protect your head and face from the sun in an open-top safari vehicle and they have the added benefit of reducing glare for better game viewing

Pack light, luggage restrictions on internal flights means that packing lightweight safari clothing is key. The bonus is the lighter the clothing, the more you can pack in.

What shoes to wear on safari in Tanzania?

Look for Comfortable shoes. At the very least, What to Wear on Safari Tanzania, take your best walking shoes and a pair of sandals or flip-flops (thongs).

Combat trousers

These are specifically and perfectly important, the ones with plenty of pockets that will aid in storing your camera, sunscreen, and binoculars

A light jacket or fleece is great for an extra layer of warmth in case you need it. Fleece is great because it dries quickly too

Comfortable trainers are suitable for most safaris, even walking safaris. You can expect to be climbing in and out of the safari vehicle frequently and some light walking around the bush


These should be worn to block out harmful rays and polarized glasses will cut through the glare to make sure you don’t miss a thing

Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit if your lodge has a pool. This is one of the essentials on your What to Wear on Safari Tanzania list.

For your evening meal, light colors are recommended to not attract mosquitoes. Linen trousers are the perfect way to look smart, stay cool, and prevent mosquito bites

Consider the type of safari

What to Wear on Safari Tanzania doesn’t mean being a fashion victim or mocking Maryl Streep in Out of Africa. But being dressed for the occasion and being comfortable, fresh during the day, and warm at night is important. See our Recommended Hiking Gear and General African Safari Packing List. Pack up what to wear depending on the type of safari. If it’s hiking Kilimanjaro, you might well pack some clothing that will keep you warm, if it’s a wildlife safari, pack the ones that will allow you to adapt to local conditions. Read more on the Interesting Facts About Tanzania

Book a Combination of Tanzania and Zanzibar safari
